Change history for Mountain Laurel Lucas

12/2/2008 5:26:51 AM:
Added by Rick Skoglund

12/2/2008 5:30:39 AM:
Modified by Rick Skoglund
Gender="M", Country="US", BirthDay=25, BirthMonth=08, BirthYear=2007, Breeder="Phil & Laurel Morrissette", Owner="Courtney Bell", HipRegistry="None", EyeRegistry="None", HeartRegistry="None", ThyroidRegistry="None", HeartType="Normal", ThyroidType="None", EyeType="Normal", Djd_Left="none", Djd_Right="none", Cavitation_Left="0", Cavitation_Right="0", PatellasRegistry="None", Ukc_Number="A256-893"

12/2/2008 5:31:02 AM:
Modified by Rick Skoglund
sireID=1466, damID=1425

12/2/2008 5:42:54 AM:
Modified by Rick Skoglund
Cavitation_Left="0", Cavitation_Right="0", Ukc_Number="A256,893"

12/4/2008 2:12:32 PM:
Modified by Rick Skoglund
name="Mountain Laurel Lucas", SearchName="MOUNTAINLAURELLUCA", Cavitation_Left="0", Cavitation_Right="0"

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