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What is the Chinook Health Database?

The Chinook Health Database is an open database Chinook owners and breeders can use to share information on Chinook dogs. It is our hope that this open sharing of information will lead to better breeding decisions and a continuous improvement throughout the Chinook breed. Feel free to come in and browse. Breeders wishing to add or edit their Chinook's informtion will need to register when you first start adding information. The program will prompt you for your information at the appropriate time. You must use your current email address to register.

Is this a registry?

No. The Chinook Health Database is focused on health data for Chinooks and is not a registry. Although the database will compile pedigrees, you should consult paperwork from official registries such as UKC and COA (Chinook Cross) or listing services such as AKC/FSS. They will be valuable when you want to confirm the accuracy of information in this database.

As a user, what are my responsibilities?

Before entering data, please read the directions in each section on how do enter that specific data.

Information may be entered by any registered user, not just the owner or breeder of the dog. We do not review the information and we make absolutely no claims as to its accuracy. The Chinook Health Database is a good place to start your pedigree research, but if accuracy of information is important, you should independently verify the accuracy of the information you find with an official registry (UKC or COA-Chinook Cross) or listing service (AKC/FSS).

For information that is critical to your breeding program, consult the owners of the listed dogs or the public registries such as OFA and CERF.

If, when using this site, you discover data that is incorrect, please either correct it yourself (if you have access) or contact me at

Obligatory disclaimers:

By using this site, you agree not to publish, post, upload or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory or unlawful information.

This database consists entirely of information provided by end users. The providers of this site hereby disclaim any liability for the accuracy or meaning of any such information provided in the site. Users hereby agree to use or rely on such information at their own risk.

We provide no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of any such information, and user agrees to hold the site operator or any successor or representative thereof harmless from any claim of liability or damage resulting from use of any information provided for any purpose, personal or commercial.

As of April 8, 2005, we are continuing to tweak this site to give maximum support to Chinook owners and breeders. Please contact me at if you have problems or would like to discuss possible additions or changes.

My thanks to Amy Burzynski who built this wonderful health database, and to Payne Seal, our database guru, for customizing it for the Chinook.

Joyce Maley
Chinook Health Database sponsor

Click here to go to the database.

Copyright ©Joyce A. Maley, 2005